Product width presentation of 25mm and lengths of 1, 3 and 5 meters
Colours: Black
Base material: Polyester & Polypropylene
High profile for indoor and outdoor use
High adhesive temperature ranges: long term -40ºC to +90ºC & short term 120ºC
Free positionable, re-closable fastening system
High performance double sided acrylic foam tape
Suitable for high and medium surface energy material such as glass, metals and several plastics
Easy and fast (dis)mounting, extremely useful during maintenance tasks, flexible to support moves, adds, or changes
Attachment of building envelope and outdoor components
Alternatives for temporary or permanent installations
Increased performance in combination with mechanical systems (nailing, screwing, stapling)
For applications where medium cycling is required
Increased creativity
Labor savings: greater productivity, repositionable & easy to remove, safety & no weather restrictions
Environmental benefits: Reduces air pollution by chemical components or solvents, green building earning points, less waste / residue and recyclable