CDM Regulations 2007 Procedures Manual 3rd Edition
The Construction (Design and Management) or CDM Regulations require all those involved in construction to adopt an integrated approach to health and safety management. This Procedures Manual provides a documentation system for compliance with the statutory requirements. It is being thoroughly revised to take account of major changes to the CDM Regulations 2007, as well as new revised Approval Code of Practice
Provides a ready made health and safety system for quality assurance purposes
Features a large number of flowcharts, checklists, model forms and standard letters
Major update to take account of the 2007 revisions to the Regulations and new Code of Practice
Well conceived and presented. Occupational Health & Safety
Flow charts
Model forms
The revised Third Edition of the Manual reflects the extensive changes to the CDM Regulations 2007, including:
The new role of CDM co-ordinator
Wider and more onerous duties on clients
Changes to the design process
Wider requirements for competence
Integration of duty holder roles