Standard logic is logic integrated circuits (ICs), also called commodity ICs, designed to be used in various electrical and electronic equipment and circuits worldwide. These standard logic ICs come in different pin configurations and suit different environments for their applications, such as designing, manufacturing, and developing applications. Furthermore, these devices perform various operations on multiple digital input signals to generate digital output signals.
We stock a great range of robust and exceptional quality standard logic ICs from the top manufacturers.
Types of standard logic ICs and their applications:
These cost-effective and low-power semiconductor logic ICs are broadly classified into various types based on their electrical and physical structures and include:
These semiconductor logic gates are designed to process and control the signal flow using Boolean functions such as AND, OR, NAND, and NOR, to convert them into binary information.
These are used as a barrier between a load and a source to avoid network disturbance by transmitting high voltage to low output impedance circuits. They are further subdivided into:
- Buffer and line driver combinations
- Buffer and converter combinations, and
- Bus buffers
- Counter ICs
Counter integrated circuits, also called shift registers, register time, events, and clock numbers. These devices feature various connected cascading flip-flops that are the working basis for their functions.
These devices are designed to control input or output signals to shared data buses and include bidirectional buffers.
- Decoders and Demultiplexers
These devices decode the input binary codes into numeric output form or get the single input information to transform it into multiple outputs (demux).
These inverters are designed to level opposite inputs and invert the resultant signals to add delay, clean digital signal noise, transform logic families, and shift levels.
- Logic Level Shifters & Voltage Translators
These semiconductor devices are designed to provide broader compatibility among various ICs by translating one form of logic signal level or voltage domain into another form.
These are the protective devices that protect semiconductors from overvoltage or static discharge. These devices are incredibly reliable and robust in their respective functions.
- Schmitt Trigger Inverters
These devices invert input signals into digital output forms and are active circuits.
- Monostable Multivibrators
These devices can be used as pulse detectors or timers by generating a timed delay in circuits.
Other collections of standard logic at Enrgtech:
Despite the types mentioned above, Enrgtech also stocks a comprehensive range of logic ICs, each suited for its specific applications. Other types include 12C translators, counter ICs, addressable scan ports, and FIFO memory chips. Visit our website to explore other products at the best possible prices on the market with an efficient delivery service.