CozIR®-A is a low power CO2 sensor, which makes it ideal for battery powered systems, including portable, wearable and self-powered applications.Designed for measuring low levels of CO2, the sensor offers optional temperature and RH% sensing, and optional analogue (voltage) output.CozIR®-A is built on our unique patented LED technology platform and optical designs. Its this solid-state technology that enables great power consumption, lifetime and durability.
Low power/energy consumption – 3.5mW. Measures up to 1% CO2 concentration.>15 years lifetime.Optional temperature and RH% sensing.Solid-state–no moving parts,no heated filaments.Vibration and shock resistant.Non-heating.Self-calibrating(see datasheet).Digital(UART) and optional analogue(Voltage) output. Manufactured in the UK.