Zener or breakdown diodes are special semiconductor devices primarily designed to conduct current flow in both directions, especially in reverse order. It integrates the functionality of a standard diode in a forward bias; however, the reverse bias functionality makes it a popular semiconductor in various electronic applications. They incorporate unique characteristics, such as Zener voltage and maximum power handling, making them ideal for voltage regulation, overvoltage protection, signal limitation, and voltage reference applications in various electronic circuits. These characteristics are due to their p-n junction doping construction. Zener diodes come in multiple power levels and voltage ratings, accommodating different circuit needs.
The Working Principle of Zener Diodes
The working principle of Zener diodes is based on the Zener effect, a phenomenon occurring in heavily doped p-n junctions. A narrow depletion region by the highly doped p-n junction in Zener diodes results in high electric field strength across the junction.
When a reverse voltage is applied to a Zener diode and increases beyond the Zener voltage, the electric field strength becomes sufficient to ionise the covalent bonds in the depletion region. This leads to generating electron-hole pairs, creating a current flow–Zener current.
The Difference Between a Zener Diode and a Common Diode
Both Zener diodes and regular diodes are semiconductors; however, they differ based on their bias conduction and doping intensity. A standard diode is a semiconductor device that conducts in only a single direction, while zener diodes conduct in both (forward & reverse bias) directions. Furthermore, Zener diodes are highly doped, while common diodes are moderately doped.
Choosing the Best Zener Diode for Your Applications
Selecting the best Zener diode depends on the specific requirements of your application. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a Zener diode:
- Package Type
- Zener voltage (Vz)
- Power dissipation (Pd)
- Zener impedance (Zz)
- Maximum current (Iz)
- Temperature Coefficient
- Mounting Configuration
- Voltage Tolerance
- Availability and Cost
- Brand.
Typical Applications of Zener Diodes
Zener diodes find applications in various facilities and electronic circuits.
- With a primary function of voltage regulation, Zener diodes also serve as voltage references, rectifiers, and oscillators in various applications.
- These semiconductors are also found in smart devices, such as smartphones and Android equipment, providing desired voltages.
- In addition, Zener diodes protect multiple electronics from fluctuating voltages and surges.