TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor) diodes are semiconductor devices designed to protect sensitive electronic components by effectively absorbing significant amounts of voltage spikes and transients. These diodes easily integrate into various circuits and respond quickly to transient voltage changes. By safely shunting excess energy away from the critical components, they protect integrated circuits (ICs) and sensitive components, including semiconductors. A TVS diode acts as a voltage clamp and can protect against multiple transient voltage events, including ESD, overvoltages, electrical fast transients (FETs), lightning strikes, and other voltage disturbances.
Benefits of Using TVS Diodes
The fundamental benefit of implementing TVS diodes in electronic designs is that they enhance device durability and reliability. Using a TVS diode ensures it withstands harsh electrical environments without sustaining damage to itself and its components. Additionally, the inclusion of these cost-effective, efficient, and low-clamping voltage diodes is crucial for maintaining the integrity and longevity of electronic components. Our range of TVD diodes includes multiple types from leading brands, including Littelfuse Inc., Eaton, Bourns, and Vishay, among others.
Common Types of TVS Diodes
TVS diodes come in various types based on their voltage clamping mechanisms and mounting configurations, such as:
- Unidirectional TVS Diodes – A unidirectional TVS diode is designed to clamp voltage spikes only in one direction. It protects multiple integrated circuits against positive or negative voltage transients with instant response.
- Bidirectional TVS Diodes – These diodes can clamp voltage spikes in both directions and are best for applications where voltage fluctuations occur in both polarities.
- Surface Mount TVS Diodes – SMD TVS diodes are compact semiconductors designed for surface mount applications. These diodes offer space-saving advantages and facilitate automated assembly processes.
- Through-Hole TVS Diodes – A through-hole TVS diode is a traditional diode with leads for through-hole mounting. These diodes are common in applications requiring higher power handling capabilities or in scenarios where surface mount components are not feasible.
Typical Applications of TVS Diodes
TVS diodes are must-have semiconductor devices in various applications requiring significant protection against transient voltages. Some major disciplines and settings where TVS diodes are used include:
- Consumer Electronics
- Automotive Systems
- Telecommunications
- Power Supplies
- Industrial Applications
- Medical Equipment.