Discrete semiconductors refer to individual components with a single function and are not sold as premade circuit parts. They are often used to build electrical circuits involving large currents or voltage pressures to perform basic circuit functions. These discrete semiconductor components include rectifiers, valves, transistors, etc. They are also sold as modular accessories that can be easily incorporated into existing circuits.
Furthermore, the functionality of these discrete semiconductor devices depends on their arrangements within devices. For instance, the sandwiched alternating layered thyristors.
What is the difference between standard and discrete semiconductors?
Several semiconductor types are sold as part of circuits with different functionality in a device, which distinguishes them significantly from discrete semiconductors. Discrete semiconductors generally have a single fundamental function that cannot be broken down into other functions.
Why are discrete semiconductors important?
These semiconductors offer various benefits and are essential in terms of the fact that they provide the best possible solution for several electronic components for:
- Engineering and prototyping requirements
- Ideal for DIY hobbyists
- They are smaller, faster, and more efficient
- They are cost-effective
- Ideal for making circuits for experimentation.
Different types of discrete semiconductors:
These semiconductor parts come in a wide variety of different types. Some of them include:
- Darlington Transistors
- Digital Transistors
- Bipolar Transistors
- Bridge Rectifiers
- Constant Current Diodes
- Double Triode Valves
- IGBT Transistor Modules
- Thyristors
- JFET Transistors
- TVS Diodes
- MOSFET Transistors
- PIN Diodes
- Switching Diodes
- Thyristor Modules
- Zener Diodes
- Thyristor Power Controller Assemblies, and many more.