LED Emitters - Infrared, UV, Visible are semiconductor devices designed to produce light in the form of infrared, ultraviolet, and visible frequencies. They produce an intense radiation source that is not produced by typical light sources. They come in various sizes, electrical features, and viewing angles and are ideal for various applications.
LED Emitters- Infrared:
LED Emitters- Infrared is a solid state lighting LED designed to transmit light at longer wavelengths than visible light. They are ideal for electronic industries and machine-to-machine communication. In addition, they are used in conjunction with IR receivers to render wireless communications between two or more devices. Further uses of these emitters are given below:
- Cameras, Night Vision cameras
- Lighting devices
- Remote controls
- Audio devices
- TVs
- Climate control systems
LED Emitters- UV:
UV LEDs emit light in the UV spectrum, usually less than 400nm. Ultraviolet light is visible to the human eye and appears as a bluey purple. They are available in various packages, including surface mounted, through-hole, and viewing angles, including narrow and wide beam angles.
Uses of LED Emitters- UV:
These semiconductor UV LEDs are employed in:
- Forensics
- Industrial curing
- Cosmetic cure
- Sterilisation
- Security
- Plant growth
LED Emitters- Visible:
A family of visible LED emitters is designed to provide high-accuracy, high-reliability sensing in a variety of applications. These visible LED emitters offer high output powers, broad radiation patterns, and peak emission wavelengths.
Typical applications for visible LED emitters include optical sensing, optical instrumentation, linear and rotary encoders, machine vision and CCD, photo interrupters, light curtains, and sensor technology. Depending on the required peak emission wavelength, emitters may be used as direct drop-in replacements for the end-of-life industry.
Typical Applications of LED Emitters - Infrared, UV, Visible:
They are the modules of devices such as:
- Remote controls
- Optical wireless links
- Alternative illumination sources.
Why Enrgtech?
Enrgtech stocks a wide range of emitters at different wavelengths. Our primary focus has always been on providing application solutions to optimise your product's performance. Our team of unsurpassed technical support system capabilities includes expertise with state-of-the-art equipment, where our team experts test and validate all optical and electrical parameters.