Isolators - Gate Drivers are the interface between power signals and an external MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) or bridge architecture circuit designed for higher switching speeds and system size constraints. The technology types include capacitive, magnetic, and optical coupling with 1, 2, or 4 channels.
These devices provide reliable control over switching characteristics for IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) and MOSFET configurations for low-side and high-side switches. Their high-pulse fidelity architecture enables motor power efficiency to fulfill desired efficiency levels and superior timing performance stability that reduces voltage distortion. They also reduce harmonics and output power content on solar inverters and are ideal for driving IGBT/MOSFET gates.
Types of Isolators - Gate Drivers:
There are two types of gate drivers: Low-Side Drivers and High-Side-Low-Side Drivers.
These drivers are designed to drive low-side switches—the referenced switches.
- High-Side-Low-Side Drivers:
These drivers are ideal for driving two switches linked in a bridge assortment in both floating and ground-referenced switches.
What is Gate Driver Isolation?
For safety and functional purposes, power inverters and converters’ gate drivers often need electrical isolation. Regulatory and safety certification agencies mandated isolation for the prevention of shock hazards. Isolation protects low-voltage electronics against damage due to faults in circuits and errors created on the control side. The transmission of power and signal occurs between isolated circuits through capacitive, inductive, or optical methods.
Applications of Isolators - Gate Drivers:
Besides the design and performance, the demands for gate circuitry are becoming more popular in various applications. They are used in a wide range of applications, including:
- Industrial applications with severe noise environments (such as inverters and servos)
- PWM controllers
- Switches (floating and ground-referenced switches)
- Industrial Photovoltaic power conditioning systems
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).