Specialized integrated circuits (ICs), also known as application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) or chips, are designed for a particular use effectively, as opposed to general-purpose use. Some of the basic application-specific integrated circuit examples are chips designed for interfacing memories, such as the chips used in toys, microprocessors, etc. These chips are ideal only for the applications for which they are designed. A modern ASIC generally comprises a 32-bit microprocessor, network circuits, memory blocks, etc., and is known as a System on Chip.
Available Specialized ICs
Enrgtech carries a superior collection of this category, where we house addressable switches, audio-video switches, authentication chips, air core gauge drivers, colour scanners, automatic discharge, clock generators, and many other varied types of integrated circuits ideal for various applications.
Are there any Benefits to Using Specialized ICs?
Yes. Apart from their high-speed application and low power consumption, the main advantage of ASIC is reduced chip size as various functional circuit units are designed over a single chip.
Types of Specialized ICs
ASICs are categorized by the degrees of customization the programmer can perform on the chip. The main categories include Full-custom, Semi-custom, and Programmable ASICS.
Applications of Specialized ICs
Most likely, these types of ICs are only preferred for applications with a large production run. ASIC chips are used as:
- IP cores for satellites
- ROM manufacturing
- Microcontrollers
- Medical sectors
- Research sectors
- Electronic toys
- Cell phones
- Digital watches
- Avionics
- Artificial intelligence programs
- Custom programming
- Industrial sectors
- Intelligence agencies
- Bitcoin miner
- Space programs, and
- Defense systems.
Why Enrgtech?
Enrgtech supports design engineers and procurement professionals with a wealth of digital solutions and tools to make their jobs more efficient. We offer products that exceed the expectations of potential customers. Visit our website to book an order at the most affordable price on the market.