The NCP1076A & NCP1076B products integrate a fixed frequency current mode controller with a 700 V MOSFET. Available in a two different pin out of the very common PDIP 7 package, it offers a high level of integration, including soft start, frequency jittering, short circuit protection, skip cycle, a maximum peak current set point, ramp compensation, and a dynamic self supply (DSS, eliminating the need for an auxiliary winding).
Up to 30W output SMPS design capability
Ability to scale for efficiency or size
Adjust output current protection based on output power demand
Eliminate acoustic noise
Eliminate Aux winding
Provides more robust protection without worrying about the coupling of the aux winding
Improved efficiency at light load / Improved EMI over the entire load
<50mW no Load Power Consumption
Better EMI Signature Over the Entire Operating Range
Enhanced Protection Against too Low or too High Input Voltage