Flip-Flops, also known as bistable multivibrators, are types of electronic circuits designed to store binary data and retain the data under specified conditions. Flip-flop is often abbreviated as “FF” and features two stable states. They are the building blocks of several digital electronic systems for data storage applications in various devices, including computers, communications, counters, and more. The stored data within bespoke devices can be modified by applying multiple inputs. In addition, they come in different types with a range of different applications.
The Difference Between Flip-Flops and Latches
The major difference between the two logic ICs lies in their clocking or gating mechanism and other parameters, such as:
Flip-flops are edge-triggered, while latches are level-triggered. Furthermore, flip-flops always feature a clock signal, whereas latches lack clock signals. In addition to various other differences, flip-flops offer to be constructed from latches, but latches can be manufactured from gates.
How Many Types of Flip-Flops are There?
Flip-Flops are classified into the following four types.
What are the Various Applications of Flip-Flops?
These fundamental backbones of multiple electronic systems and their various types are widely used in a range of different devices with a multitude of applications, such as:
- Computers
- Counters
- Shift Registers
- Data Transfer
- Frequency Dividers
- Storage Registers
- Registers
- Data storage
- Memory
- Latch
- Bounce elimination switch.
Why Choose Enrgtech?
We stock an extensive collection of flip-flops and other ICs to suit user-desired applications from the leading manufacturers. All our products are RoHS compliant to ensure they are safe to use and user-friendly. Visit our website to browse other related products at affordable prices from the comfort of your home.