Logic Shift registers are electronic components used to transmit the data stored in these registers. A collection of flip flops known as a shift register is used to store several data bits. Clock pulses can be used to move the data bits stored in these registers both inside and outside of the registers. You can create a multi-bit storage shift register by joining several flip-flops, where each flip-flop holds a single bit of data. Binary data can be stored in flip-flops as a single bit, either 0 or 1. However, various flip-flops are required to store multiple bits of data. A set of flip-flops connected in a series structure is utilized to store many bits of data.
The registers that shift the bits to the left are named “Shift to left registers, and the registers that shift the bits to the right are named “Shift to right registers.
Logical Alignment of Logic - Shift Registers
The logical configuration of a logic-shift register is a group of flip-flops connected in cascade, with the output of one flip-flop combined with the input of the next flip-flop, which makes up the logical structure of a shift register. A common clock pulse from all flip-flops triggers the shift from one stage to the next.
Importance of Logic - Shift Registers
Logic-Shift Registers are important as they are frequently found inside calculators and computers because they are used for either storing data or moving it to the next stage. They can be used as data-storing components when two binary numbers are added together or to convert data from one format to another, such as serial to parallel or parallel to serial.
Types of Logic - Shift Registers
Logic- Shift Registers are of four types implemented in today’s world of electronics. The four common types of Logic-Shift Registers are listed Below:
- Serial In Serial Out shift register (SISO)
- Serial In parallel Out shift register (SIPO)
- Parallel In Serial Out shift register (PISO)
- Parallel In parallel Out shift register (PIPO)
Common Applications of Logic - Shift Registers
Logic-Shift Registers are broadly used for the following purposes.
- Short-term storage of data.
- Parallel In Serial Out (PISO) registers to alter the parallel input data to serial output data.
- Data modification and transport.
- To add a time delay to digital circuits.
- The serial-in parallel-out (SIPO) shift register is utilized in communication lines where demultiplexing of a data line into several parallel lines is necessary because it converts serial data into parallel data.