Flip flops are integrated circuits (ICs) and semiconductor devices designed to be used in dual stable state flip-flop circuits. These ICs are suitable for a great range of storage and data transfer applications in computers and other communication systems. By applying varied inputs, the stored data can be changed. Flip flops are known as the basic digital electronic systems' building blocks, like latches. However, a controlled signal input differentiates flip-flop circuits from latches. Furthermore, flip flops can be created by utilizing the gates, such as four-NOR or four-NAND gates.
Working Principle of a Flip Flop Circuit:
The output from a flip flop circuit is a non-linear circuit, meaning that it is fed 'back' along with the input signal to be processed. Using this previous output signal as an input, flip-flop circuits determine their own outputs based on their previous states.
How Many Types of Logic – Flip Flop ICs Are There?
The bespoke circuits are classified into the following four main types with their respective functions (logic).
- SR Flip-Flop – SR or Set-Reset flip-flop is the most common circuit with the set and resets input. This system is quite simple and easy to understand.
- D-type Flip-Flop - Data flip-flops are mostly suitable for input synchronization, shift registers, and counters and are an effective alternative for digital electronics systems.
- T Flip-Flop - T or Toggle flip flops got their name from their state complementing capabilities. These circuits resemble JK flip-flops with their single input versions. By connecting J and K inputs together, the T flip-flops are modified and feature a single and clock input.
- JK Flip-Flop – Functioning as a set or reset flip-flops with their undefined states, other flip-flops are needed in electronics. The JK flip flops are the improved versions of SR circuits that are devoid of S=R=1 issues. Any changes in their J and K data inputs trigger the J value to the next clock edges using Q outputs and vice versa. On the other hand, if their data inputs remain low, they remain intact.
What Are the Typical Applications of Logic – Flip Flops?
The basic purpose of flip-flop ICs is to store information where multiple ICs are connected to store the data. These versatile semiconductor devices are used in a great range of digital circuits and electronic applications, including:
- Counters
- Frequency Dividers
- Shift and Storage Registers.
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