Linear - Amplifiers - Video Amps and Modules are electronic devices whose output is proportionally more significant than their input, including video amplifiers and modules. This family of products is intended for use in video circuits. Differential, Push-Pull, Rail-to-Rail, and Single-Ended output types are available, with circuit counts ranging from 1 to 24 with a -3 dB bandwidth covering 800 kHz to 1.4 GHz. With a voltage source of 1.2 V to 85 V, the current output per channel ranges from 3.6 mA to 10 A.
What is an Amplifier?
Amplifiers are typically found in audio equipment and are printed circuit board (PCB) mount devices that are used to boost the power of an input signal. An amplifier functions by drawing power from a power source and then producing a distinct, more prominent signal with a high amplitude while maintaining the characteristics of the original audio signal.
What is a Video Amplifier?
Video Amplifiers, also referred to as operational amplifiers, are the components that provide a very high gain. They provide a high ratio of conversion from the input signal to the output, in other words. Video op amps are suitable for applications that require significant improvement, such as high-quality images. Furthermore, Multiple LCDs or TVs can be connected to a single video source without affecting the signal thanks to video amplifiers. Each LCD monitor and cable length can be customized with our video amplifiers' variable gain settings. Connect up to 8 monitors to a single automobile DVD player. Because they significantly reduce pixel distortion of monitors, cameras, DVD players, and other output devices that send a video source, video amplifiers are strongly advised (signal).
Applications of Linear - Amplifiers - Video Amps and Modules
Video amps and modules can be used almost anywhere where the level of the video signal must be improved. An instance of this is when a digital camera is connected to a Television or any other screen; the output signal of the video from the camera will require to be improved by the video amplifier to reach the requirement of the Television.
Typical applications of video amps include:
- Automotive Displays
- RGB Amplifiers
- ADC/DAC Buffers
- Video Line Drivers
- Coaxial Cable Drivers