Linear audio amplifier integrated circuits (ICs) are semiconductors that effectively provide signal-level audio output at power levels adequate for driving headsets, transducers, speakers, headphones, and related equipment. These devices feature varied input signal types and are available in both surface-mount and through-hole mounting types. They feature different pins ranging from eight to forty-four with different output channel types. In addition, depending on the semiconductor types, they are widely used in audio applications with multiple industrial applications.
How Do They Differ from General-Purpose Amplifiers?
Linear audio amplifiers distinguish from general-purpose amplifiers due to their key features, including volume control, silent input, and anti-transient functions.
What Amplifier Types are Available?
Enrgtech stocks multiple amplifier types, such as:
- Audio
- Audio Line Drivers
- Noise Cancellation
- Bridge Amplifier
- Audio Powe Amplifier
- Class AB
Audio Amplifier Class Types
Audio amplifiers include devices based on different classes along with devices designed to integrate analogue-to-digital conversion functions and amplification functionalities. The available classes include:
- Class A
- Class B
- Class AB
- Class D
- Class D, Class AB
- Class D, Class G
- Class DG
- Class H
- Class G, and
- Headphone.
Applications of Linear – Amplifiers – Audio
Products in audio amplifier ICs with cost-effective and high-performance solutions are used to amplify audio signals in headphones or loudspeaker driving. They also serve the audio industry, robotics, defense systems, Hi-Fi equipment, and guitar amplifiers.
Why Choose Us?
Enrgtech is a global product supplier with services and solutions for potential customers suitable for industrial and commercial markets. We house an extensive range of audio amplifiers and other integrated circuit devices at affordable prices. Visit our website to explore other products and services delivered directly to your doorstep.