As the name suggests, a system on chip (SOC) is a miniature semiconductor chip that integrates or includes almost all the crucial computer components into a single circuit or chip. These microchips process various complicated computing applications and are mostly found in wearable technology, smartphones, wireless routers, and tablets. They are more reliable, efficient, and embedded chips that house or integrate the traditional and separate motherboard's functional-specific elements into a single chip. Furthermore, the integral functions in a chip include digital, analogue, radio frequency, mixed signals, etc. Additionally, they offer plenty of uses in various applications along with distinct integrated components.
What Are the Elements of the System on Chip (SoC)?
These microchips consist of all the crucial electronic parts usually found in motherboard-based circuits with specific applications and specifications. The components include:
- CPU (Central Processing Unit) – The CPU is responsible for performing various operations, such as arithmetic, control, logic, input, and output operations.
- Modem – Transfer data wirelessly and independently of satellite networks in radios, while in smart devices (like tablets and mobile phones), the modems serve to connect them to 3G or 4G networks.
- GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) – Designed to offer various graphical applications, such as creating imagery on the device used, viewing videos and images, playing games, and so on.
- RAM (Random Access Memory) – Indispensable memory for codes and working data storage; these modules also run software and apps.
- ROM (Read-Only Memory) – A non-volatile data storage memory, also called firmware, stores data that remains intact throughout the system's lifetime. After the memory device is manufactured, the data remains unchanged electronically.
What Are the Typical Applications of a System On Chip (SoC)?
Because of its low power consumption and compact size, a system-on-chip is suitable for use in various devices with multiple applications, such as:
- Smartwatches
- Smartphones
- Tablets
- Wi-Fi routers
- Netbooks
- Cameras
- Automotive
- Gadgets of the Internet of Things.