FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are small-sized integrated circuits and semiconductor devices designed to offer implementation systems an update whenever required. Field programmable refers to the ability of FPGAs that are reconfigured to any application or function after their manufacturing process, which is beneficial for future operations.
What Are the Parts of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array)?
FPGAs are comprised of the following parts:
- Configurable Logic Blocks- Designed to implement logic applications, consisting of LUTs (Lookup Tables), multiplexers, and flip-flops. These components synchronize the code on FPGAs.
- Programmable switch matrix – Feature switch components with six integrated pass transistors, designed to connect each programmed coded block.
- Programmable Interconnects - These interconnect components connect input/output to logic blocks by carrying signals using wires.
- I/O Blocks - They are reprogrammable input or output pins or are used as both to connect with external elements.
How Do FPGAs Differ From ASICs?
An FPGA differs from an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) in that it can be reprogrammed after manufacture to perform the desired function and meet the application's requirements. In contrast, the ASICs do not carry any such programmable functions. Furthermore, an ASIC, as the name implies, is made to perform a specific application, whereas FPGAs are designed as multipurpose devices and are known as programmable ASICs.
What Benefits Do FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) Offer?
FPGAs offer a vast range of advantages, such as:
- They offer reconfigurable computing.
- They are economical, flexible, and reusable.
- Require a limited board space and are more energy efficient.
- They feature high density and high speed.
- They have numerous RAM, register, logic gate, and routing resources.
- Easily upgradable with unique applications.
What Are the Typical Applications of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array)?
Due to FPGAs' reprogrammable nature, they are widely employed in various applications with excellent solution characteristics. They are the crucial components found in various applications, like:
- Wireless Communications
- Wired Communications
- Medical Applications
- Prototype Development
- Aerospace
- Radar Systems
- Defense
- Consumer Electronics
- Industrial Applications
- High-Performance Computing
- Data Storage
- Data Center
- Image and Video Processing.