The signal's information needs to be processed for display, analysis, or conversion into another meaningful signal. A DSP (Digital signal processor) is a semiconductor microprocessor designed to capture and process real-world signals followed by feeding them back for analysis at very high speeds. These microchips capture voice, video, and audio signals as digital information and process them using an audio digital to analogue converter (DAC).
Why Use DSPs (Digital Signal Processors)?
A computer uses the DSPs' information to control telephone, security, theater, home systems, and video compression. These devices consume less power and are used for video, audio, and graphics processing, making data faster, clearing sound, and sharpening images.
What are the Elements of DSPs (Digital Signal Processors)?
The following are the components of the DSP:
- Data Memory -The memory that stores the information for processing.
- Program Memory- Designed to store programs for data processing.
- Compute Engine – Carry out crucial computing applications, such as math processing, on the Compute Engine. They also access the data from the data memory and the programs from the program memory.
- Input/Output: They connect a range of functions to the exterior of the world.
Key Parameters When Choosing the Right DSP
It is crucial to ascertain some key parameters before selecting the right and high-performance DSP, which include:
- Program memory – It is vital to consider the program memory of the DSP to customise it for specific purposes.
- Frequency – Refers to the speed, which is the data point's number per second.
- RAM size – The size of the RAM should also be carefully checked, where the greater size corresponds to better performance.
What are the Typical Applications of DSPs (Digital Signal Processors)?
Some special DSPs perform essential mathematical functions, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, due to the programmable nature of DSPs, they are found in a great range of electronic devices and areas with plenty of applications, such as:
- PCs
- Radar and Sonar
- Mobile Phones
- Radars
- Speech Processing
- Seismology
- Toys
- Audio Signal Processing
- Automobile Electronic Gadgets
- Consumer Electronic Gadgets
- Digital Signal Processing
- HD Televisions
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)