The word embedded refers to rooted or built-in, which means that microprocessors are computer or electronic chips fixed on the motherboard/integrated circuit of an electronic device to enhance additional functionality. They are frequently used to manage and look after digital operations. They are hidden deep inside the integrated circuits, which is why we cannot see them, but they are everywhere within the system. Microprocessors are the invisible chips that control everything from a computer, smartphones, and microwaves to a giant jet and anti-lock brakes of a vehicle. They are often responsible for controlling and managing every operation that the electronic system performs. Microprocessors are also part of home appliances, industrial and healthcare equipment, lighting systems, etc.
Importance of Microprocessors:
Some important Microprocessors include:
- They are essential because they used to get in contact with telephones, interfacing devices, and the internet
- They control many functions like word processing and calculations at a very high speed
- They are accurate and error-free
- They execute sequential function, progression, and continuity without tiredness and human labour.
Major Components:
The main components that are connected to the microprocessor either peripherally or wirelessly are:
- System Bus
- Registers
- Memory Unit
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Control Unit (CU)
Advantages of Microprocessors
As we have discussed, A microprocessor plays a vital role in the functionality management of an electronic system. Some significant advantages of microprocessors are as follows:
- Performs operations at a very high speed, which would take hours for a human being to do.
- Accurate and Reliable
- Easy to work with because of the graphical user interface (GUI)
- Errors free, it won’t make any mistake while performing any task
- Works according to the given instructions from the user
- Smaller in size and is portable
- Less power consumption and heat production are less
- Lower cost as compared to other processors
- Multi-tasking facility
Types of Microprocessors:
The classification of an embedded microprocessor depends on various elements, such as computing power, memory accessibility, the nature of the application, etc. Some examples of these microprocessors are:
- Complex microprocessors with an instruction set
- Microprocessors with a smaller instruction set
- the use of superscalar processors
- integrated circuit with a particular use (ASIC)
- Microprocessors for digital signals (DSPs)
Application of Microprocessors:
A variety of electronic devices use microprocessors. Microprocessors are implemented for two main purposes in electronic devices, General Purpose Microprocessors and Special purpose microprocessors; they are differentiated below.
General Purpose Microprocessors:
General-purpose microprocessors are used in the following electronic machines,
- Single board microprocessors
- Super minis and computer-assisted designs (CAD)
- Personal Computers (PC) etc.
Special Purpose Microprocessors:
Microprocessors are used in various machines in different organizations for particular purposes like;
- Publications- LASER printers
- Office automation
- Control- Humidity, Temperature, Pressure, speed, etc.
- Instruments- Mainly in medical equipment
- Communication- Television, Mobile phones, Modems.