Programmable Timers and Oscillators are semiconductor devices set to offer timing pulses at specific frequencies. These devices are widely found in various environments with several applications. Programmable timers are counters designed to produce output signals upon completion of their programmed counts. Whereas, programmable oscillators’ output is programmable to a format, supply voltage, and frequency per their requirements. These devices are available as surface mounts or through hole with various package options, such as bag, box, bulk, strip, tray, tube, etc.
Programmable oscillators are flexible ICs that allow different frequency options with their different parts programmed based on their required frequency. They are found as VCXO, TCXO, and XO crystal-driven oscillators. In addition to the frequency options, some programmable parts offer output type selections, including LVDS or LVPECL and LVCMOS. These programmed clocks are stable as standard oscillators.
Programmable timers, functioning as single or multiple units, are semiconductor programmable circuits or chips designed to generate or provide timing sets for various electronic circuits. They offer high noise immunity, are simple to use, and provide quick thermal compensation. Depending on their various device types, they are suitable for being interfaced directly with CMOS, TTL, and NMOS devices.
Typical Applications
Depending on the device type, there are multiple applications for programmable oscillators, such as:
- Consumer electronics
- Low-power wireless
- Remote sensors
- Intruder detection
- Motor control
- Tamper detection
- Power-on reset timer
- Door handle circuit (Car)
- Watchdog timers
- High vibration and acceleration environments.
Programmable Timers offer various applications in:
- Controllers
- Count totalizers
- Tachometers
- Batch counters
- Frequency counters
- Interval delay timers
- Position indicators.