Transistors - IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) are multilayered semiconductor devices designed to switch devices to allow or stop high currents. These devices feature three layers with efficient switching abilities.
They are essential devices with two transistors: bipolar transistors and MOSFETs, which are suitable for high-current, high-voltage applications. In addition, IGBTs can control large emitter currents with very low gate current drivers.
How Do Transistors - IGBTs – Single Work?
IGBT transistors are three-terminal semiconductor devices that bring electrical energy to the semiconductor and change its characteristics to block the energy flow in the OFF state and allow energy to flow in the ON state. These transistors are controlled by the metal oxide semiconductor gate structure and are widely used for power switching applications, including welding, air conditioning, electric vehicles, trains, and uninterruptible power supplies.
Types of Transistors - IGBTs – Single
The type of IGBT transistor depends on the transistor’s power level and the applications for which it is used. The various types of IGBT transistors are characterized by various parameters based on collector current, packaging type, maximum voltage, and switching speed.
Furthermore, IGBT transistors are categorized into symmetrical and non-symmetrical IGBTs.
These devices feature an equal forward and reverse breakdown voltage.
They possess a reverse breakdown voltage of less than the forward breakdown voltage, which is perfect for DC circuits.
Available Mounting Type IGBT Transistors
Various IGBT transistors are available with varied mounting types, such as through-hole, panel-mount, or surface-mount.
The Difference Between MOSFETs and IGBTs
IGBT transistors feature single or more IGBTS and are ideal for various industrial equipment types due to their high reliability and robustness. They are between MOSFETs and BJTs and are highly efficient switching applications with surplus power and low voltage saturation properties. In short, IGBTs have a much lower forward voltage drop than conventional MOSFETs.
Applications of Transistors - IGBTs – Single
IGBTs are widely used in electronic applications like high-voltage and moderate speed. They are widely employed in:
- Variable speed and traction mot control
- Switch-mode power supplies (SMPS)
- DC-AC inverters, motor drives
- Driving inductive loads
- Industrial technology
- Transportation
- Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
- Frequency converters
- Consumer electronics
- Electric motors
- Aerospace electronic devices
- Energy sector.