Transistors - FET (Field Effect Transistor) are three-terminal semiconductor devices designed to control the current flow in a semiconductor using an electric field. They are also referred to as unipolar transistors due to the presence of either electrons or holes that operate as charge carriers. These semiconductors feature three terminals, namely gate, source, and drain. FETs utilize the voltage applied to their input terminal (Gate) for controlling the current from source to drain. Furthermore, FETs display a very high input impedance at low frequencies, and the most commonly used field-effect transistor is the MOSFET.
Transistors - MOSFETs - Single
The MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is a useful power device and the most commonly used semiconductor in digital and analogue circuits. Due to their compact size, MOSFETs are fabricated and designed on a single chip. As the original transistor, they are ideal for various electrical applications and are key components of integrated circuits. These semiconductors have four terminals, source, gate, drain, and body. Generally, the body is linked to the source triggering MOSFETs to function as a field effect transistor.
What are the Advantages of Using MOSFETs?
MOSFETs offer additional advantages, including minimal power consumption, rapid switching, and high-density capacity, making them perfect for large-scale integration.
Available MOSFETs by Mount Type
Enrgtech carries various MOSFETs by mount type. Explore them by visiting our website. They include:
- Panel-mount
- Chassis Mount
- Surface Mount
- Through Hole
- Surface Mount, Wettable Flank
Applications of Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single
FETs are extensively used in:
- Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- High power switching applications (as voltage-variable resistors)
- Amplifiers
- Tone controls
- FM and TV receivers
- Logic circuits.
The MOSFET is the most common transistor in:
- Digital circuits
- Power converters
- Automotives
- Industrial and communications systems
- Memory chips or microprocessor MOSFET transistors
- The development of technologies (such as the pocket calculator and digital wristwatch).