ReadyNAS 100 Series
Photographs, video clips, songs, web sites, text messages… the types of data that enrich our lives can seem endless. With ReadyNAS you finally have an easy way to centralize, access and share your digital world. Way more than just simple storage for all your stuff, every ReadyNAS features unprecedented protection of your files, the ability to manage stored data from any webenabled device and a library of add-ons that allow you to do more with your storage than you ever thought possible Every networked attached storage (NAS) device from NETGEAR runs on the revolutionary ReadyNAS operating system.
ReadyCLOUD Set-up and File Management
ReadyDROP/Dropbox File Synchronization
Keep your photos and videos archived safely and easily accessible by any device in your home, or remotely from outside your home
Make sure your music is safe and sound
Modern GUI
Genie+ Marketplace
ReadyDLNA Media Streaming
Remote Backup for Time Machine