The 2024 Hackaday Business Card Challenge Starts Now

Hackaday Business Card


The 2024 Hackaday business card challenge has officially kicked off; the wait is over to unleash your creativity. The online community Hackaday is inviting engineers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to transform their business cards into innovative, functional pieces of technology. This year’s challenge promises to showcase some of the most creative and practical designs yet. Let’s delve into what this challenge entails, how to register, know key dates and exciting winner prizes, and why it’s a hotspot for ingenuity and innovation.

A Brief Overview of HACKADAY

Hackaday is a popular online community and website dedicated to showcasing DIY projects, hacks, and innovative engineering solutions. It covers a myriad of topics, including electronics, computer hardware, software, robotics, and more. Hackaday is known for its in-depth tutorials, project ideas, and a thriving community of makers and engineers who share their knowledge and creativity. It’s a go-to resource for those interested in tech tinkering and building unique gadgets.

What is the Hackaday Business Card Challenge?

The Hackaday business card challenge is an annual event that encourages participants to think beyond the traditional business card format. The goal is to create a business card that not only provides contact information but also serves a practical or entertaining purpose. Participants are tasked with creating a business card that goes beyond the conventional notion of a contact information carrier; it should be a testament to their skills, creativity, and innovative spirit. Previous entries have included business cards that function as electronics, games, or tools.

The Benefits of Participation in the Challenge

Participating in a challenge is more than just a competition; it’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. Here are some of the benefits of participating:

Skill Development:

The challenge pushes you to develop new skills and refine existing ones, whether in electronics, design, or documentation.


Connect with other makers, engineers, and hobbyists. Share ideas, collaborate on projects, and build long-lasting relationships.


Gain recognition for your creativity and technical prowess. Top entries receive exposure on Hackaday’s platforms, potentially opening doors to new opportunities.

Fun and Fulfillment:

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the creative process. The challenge is a celebration of innovation and creativity.

How to Participate in the Hackaday Business Card Challenge? Simple Steps to Follow

Participating in the challenge is simple and open to everyone. Follow the following simple steps to get started:

  • Register: Sign up for the challenge on the website.
  • Design: Create a unique business card that stands out. Consider incorporating electronics, software, or other innovative elements.
  • Document: Share your design process, including schematics, code, and photos, on your project page.
  • Submit: Enter your project into the challenge before the deadline.

Key Dates of the Challenge

  • Challenge Start Date: May 7, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
  • Winners Announced: August 15, 2024

Entries Judging Criteria

Entries in the challenge will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity: How unique and original is the business card?
  • Functionality: Does the business card serve a practical or entertaining purpose?
  • Presentation: How well is the project documented and presented on

Exciting Prizes for Winners

The Business Card Challenge from Hackaday offers exciting prizes for the most impressive entries. The top winners (three) will receive a $150 DigiKey shopping spree. Additionally, all participants will receive recognition on the Hackaday website and social media channels.

Expert Tips for a Winning Entry

Creating a winning entry for the event requires a blend of creativity, technical skill, and thorough documentation. Some of the expert tips to help you succeed include:

  • Think Outside the Box: Push the boundaries of what a business card can be. Consider incorporating LEDs, microcontrollers, or even tiny screens.
  • Keep it Practical: While creativity is key, ensure your business card remains functional and not just a novelty.
  • Engage with the Community: Share your progress and seek feedback from the Hackaday community. Collaboration and input from others can help refine your project.

Notable Past Entries from the Community Website

Looking for inspiration? Check out some of the notable entries from previous years:

  • LED Matrix Business Card: Featuring a scrolling text display.
  • Game Boy Business Card: A fully functional mini Game Boy.
  • Electronic Paper Card: A business card with a small e-paper display that can show different messages and information.
  • Audio Synthesizer Card: A fully functional mini synthesizer built into a business card, complete with touch-sensitive controls.
  • Multitool Business Card: Combining a ruler, screwdriver, and other tools.

Wrapping Up

The 2024 Hackaday Business Card Challenge is an exciting opportunity for makers and tech enthusiasts to showcase their skills and creativity. Whether you’re an experienced engineer or a hobbyist, this challenge offers a perfect platform to push the boundaries of what a top-notch business card can be. Register now and start designing your innovative business card today! Your extraordinary business card could be the next big thing in the Hackaday Hall of Fame.

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