ac motor

AC Motors: Their Types and Advantages

An AC motor is a common type of electric motor that works on alternating current. As compared to the other effective motors used in daily industrial applications, AC motors produce mechanical energy from a single electrical input signal rather efficiently.

electonic components

IoT And How It Is Transforming Businesses Today

Internet of things is redefining the definition of connectivity, extending it to users having connected to intelligent devices to achieve a specified set of jobs. In simple words we can say the term IoT means every single electronic device and

power supply

How to Design a Power Supply in Five Minutes

Power supply design Power supply design is an otherwise very demanding exercise. The design engineer is first required to define the power supply’s specifications. He will then be required to decide the topology. One the topology is complete; the engineer

Low Power Design IoT

How to Design Low-Power IoT Applications

Low power IoT applications Most IoT devices are battery-driven making optimizing for power the top design challenge. This challenge is even growing harder with AI inferencing moving from the data centre to the edge. Sensors are increasingly being required to


How To Get Started With RISC-V-Based Microcontrollers

What is RISC-V? RISC-V has in the recent past attracted the attention of major corporations across the globe like Google, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm among others. It has thrown developers into a frenzy. What exactly is RISC-V though? RISC-V is an

Building a Custom Wireless PLC

How to Build a Custom Wireless PLC

Industrial IoT and PLCs Industrial IoT is growing rapidly. However, traditional PLCs don’t offer sufficient flexibility and connectivity as required by engineers. Customizing solutions to achieve the required flexibility and connectivity is costly and time-consuming. More so, very few engineers

Low Power Wireless Devices and IoT

Low Power Wireless Devices and IoT

Power and IoT The Internet of Things can now be considered a mature technology. With active devices hitting 9.5 Billion in 2019, IoT has certainly entered its golden age. Even so, IoT is still faced with numerous challenges one of

3D printed circuits

3D-Printing and Additive Manufacturing Of Electronics

Additive manufacturing of electronics Additive manufacturing has been around for three decades and has since come a long way. The revenue for additive manufacturing had reached $5.2 billion by the end of 2015. It has exhibited an impressive compounded growth

led modules

Led Modules: Manufacture, Types, and Applications

Light-emitting diodes(LED) modules are LED self-contained devices that are designed to either function on its own or to plug into a compatible unit. These modules are mostly used in the development of both energy-efficient and portable lighting. An LED contains

superheterodyne radio

Superheterodyne Receiver , Superheterodyne Radio

Superheterodyne Receiver A way to Get People to like Superheterodyne Receiver is to inform them Know how the superheterodyne receiver operates and what its benefits are. Superheterodynamism means you are Superheterodyne when you are using the lower side band (the