How Do The Connectors Help To Connect A Monitor With A PC?

What Are The Common Connectors That Are Used For Monitors? Monitors and LEDs are considered the major parts of computer systems. In order to see the results of the input data, videos, and other documents, a display is required that

PCB Connectors: Types and Maintenance.

In order to connect electrical components on a conductive track or between pads on the circuit board, a printed circuit board is used. You will find more than one PCB and therefore it will require different types of equipment to

cables and connectors

Cables and Connectors Head for High Frequency

The zeal with which 5G is being received is evidence of the growing interest in millimeter-wave frequencies across the globe. Communication frequencies are growing every passing day hence the need for cables and connectors high frequency to move these high-frequency


ITT Cannon Trident Cost-Effective Connectors

ITT Cannon Did you know that ITT Cannon’s connectors were used on the spaceship that made the first ever landing on the moon in 1969? Well, now you know! ITT cannon is a world leader in electronic connectors and interconnected

TE Connectivity

TE Connectivity and the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things Fundamental changes in the way entities conduct business has been as constant as the passage of time. Businesses have always acquired and used data to create value for their customers. In the past, this has mostly

Microchip UTC2000: USB Type-C Controller

Microchip UTC2000 Microchip UTC2000 is arguably the best thing to happen to consumer connectivity since Bluetooth. It was introduced in 2014 right after the introduction of USB 3.1 USB type C connectors that have since stolen the spotlight since they

TE Connectivity USB

TE Connectivity USB Type-C Connectors

TE Connectivity TE Connectivity recently hit the news across the globe for coming up with a way of creating labels and barcodes on-site by self-printing. This is not the first time TE Connectivity is hitting the news. In fact, TE

USB Type-C

Reasons Why You Should Use USB Type-C

USB TYPE-C Just when we thought we have finished exploiting the USB type-C connector, a new grand feature crops up. It is safe to say that USB-C already reigns in the arena of high-end smartphones and laptops. The USB-C was


Coaxial Connectors For Rf: Selection And Use

Coaxial  Connectors and RF Radio Frequency circuits are rapidly spreading across both wired and wireless communication for instance in Wi-Fi and IoT. These high-frequency RF signals require to be distributed between circuit components, systems, and subassemblies while minimizing losses and

Why USB Type-C Circuit Protection is Vital

The USB type C</h2> USB C is rapidly gaining traction with many smartphone manufacturers incorporating into their products. Its major appeal is the fact that it can deliver up to 100 watts (5A, 20v) which makes it a very convenient